1. 語文能力要求
All the following documents should be submitted to the Office of International Affairs, National Sun Yat-sen University before the deadline:
1. Language Requirement:
招生資訊-大學部 / 外國學生申請入學
1. 語文能力要求
非英語系統國家學生: 托福成績須達網路化測驗iBT-TOEFL 70分/雅思測驗5.5分以上。
2. 英文自傳。
3. 英文留學計畫書。
4. 須達華語文能力測驗(TOCFL)進階級(B1)。如經錄取,其華語程度仍不符要求者,需至(本校)華語中心修習華語,且不得拒絕。
◎本系專業課程以英文授課為主,通識教育課程則以中文授課為主。2. 英文自傳。
3. 英文留學計畫書。
4. 須達華語文能力測驗(TOCFL)進階級(B1)。如經錄取,其華語程度仍不符要求者,需至(本校)華語中心修習華語,且不得拒絕。
All the following documents should be submitted to the Office of International Affairs, National Sun Yat-sen University before the deadline:
1. Language Requirement:
Minimum English proficiency for non-native English speaking applicants:TOEFL score iBT-TOEFL of 70 / IELTS of 5.5.
2. Autobiography (in English)
2. Autobiography (in English)
3. Study Plan (in English)
4. TOCFL score level 3 (Learner);
4. TOCFL score level 3 (Learner);
Once admitted, students whose Chinese proficiency does not meet dept. requirement are required to take Chinese language courses at the Chinese Language Center. Students shall not refuse to do so.
◎Program offers enough English courses for graduation requirements, while general education courses are taught in English or Chinese