


招生資訊-大學部 / 外國學生申請入學


1. 語文能力要求
非英語系統國家學生: 托福成績須達網路化測驗iBT-TOEFL 70分/雅思測驗5.5分以上。
2. 英文自傳。
3. 英文留學計畫書。
4. 須達華語文能力測驗(TOCFL)進階級(B1)。

All the following documents should be submitted to the Office of International Affairs, National Sun Yat-sen University before the deadline:

1. Language Requirement:
 Minimum English proficiency for non-native English speaking applicants:TOEFL score iBT-TOEFL of 70 / IELTS of 5.5.
2. Autobiography (in English) 
3. Study Plan (in English)
4. TOCFL score level 3 (Learner); 
Once admitted, students whose Chinese proficiency does not meet dept. requirement are required to take Chinese language courses at the Chinese Language Center. Students shall not refuse to do so.
Program offers enough English courses for graduation requirements, while general education courses are taught in English or Chinese
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