
Academic Performance

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    Dissertation Chen, Fu-jen. Beyond “Real” and “Fake”: A Lacanian Reading of Asian-American Literature. Doctoral Dissertation. Illinois: Northern Illinois University, 2001.Chen, Fu-jen
    Others Teeuwen, Rudolphus. (2000) “Taiwan en China beide gebaat bij status quo” [“Taiwan and China Both Served by Status Quo”]. Newspaper article. De Volkskrant 17, pp. 15.
    Teeuwen, Rudolphus
    Others Lin, Yu-chen
    Others Lin, Yu-chen
    Others Lin, Yu-chen
    OthersHuang Chun-ming. " A Big Cake." Trans. Shu-Fang Lai. The Chinese Pen 26: 1-16.Lai, Shu-fang
    Others Lin, Yu-chen
    Others Lin, Yu-chen
    Others 〈焦慮的影響:現當代台灣文學的傳承〉《資料與研究》Sun, Hsiao-yu
    Others Lin, Yu-chen
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