


Course Content- Required Courses



西洋文學概論 (一)、(二)

 [Introduction to Western Literature III]
This course aims at connecting the students to literature and especially to inspire and motivate those who have a vague idea what literature is. We will of course learn about genres, forms and techniques, but before we do that, we want to know why we read literature at all. What has literature to do with us? How can literature serve us? These are the more important questions to think about in this course.


文學作品導讀 (一)、(二)
[Guided Reading of Literary Works III]
This course introduces students to three genres of literature: Fiction for the 1st semester, Drama and Poetry the 2nd. Students shall be intrigued to enjoy reading literature, develop abilities to analyze and synthesize the given piece of work, and ultimately widen their perspectives and be able to integrate the learned theories, skills, and insights into their daily lives. 


 [Freshman English I
A course of reading. Most of the reading materials will focus on humanistic themes. Occasional discussions will be arranged after each topic lecture. Students will be asked to participate in such discussion sessions.


英文寫作  (一)、一(二)
[English Writing I(I)
I(II) ]
The purpose of this course is two-fold: to practice and review the essential grammar of a good paragraph on the one hand, and, on the other hand, to help students to learn and hopefully master the "order" of languages through sentence combining exercises. Students will do some exercises in class and comment on one another' s sentence combing strategies. Besides these in-class exercises, students will also asked to turn in one short exercise per week. 


英語口語訓練  (一)、一(二)
[English Oral Training I(I)
It aims designed to increase the student's ability to use American English with confidence in everyday situations. Students take responsibility for increasing their own vocabulary, improving pronunciation and enunciation, and developing communications skills. It is a fast-paced class of, by, and for the students, assisted by the teacher. 


英語聽力  (一)、一(二) 
[English Listening Comprehension I(I)
It aims at training students' comprehension. Tapes on selected topics shall be played. Discussions shall follow each topic session to assess students' comprehensive ability. 【系所教師】


英語語言學概論  (一)、(二)
 [Introduction to English Linguistics I


英文寫作  (一)、二(二)
[English Writing II(I)II(II) ]
先修科目:英文寫作 一 (一)、一(二)
Introduce students to the basic of writing exposition such as, illustration, division and classification, process analysis, cause-and-effect, comparison and contrast, and definition. It also focuses to encourage students to synthesize information with their own ideas and, in so doing, learn that writing has practical value for exploring an issue or problem.



英語口語訓練 二(一)、二(二)
[English Oral Training II(I)II(II) ]
先修科目:英語口語訓練 一(一)、一(二)
Through discussion, role playing, games, and presentations, we will all work together to help students to become more confident and comfortable speaking idiomatic English in a wide range of situations. We will use as our textbook Speaking Naturally: Communications Skills in American English by Bruce Tillitt and Mary Newton Bruder. We will spend much of first semester discussing, writing, performing, and producing a short play in English. During the second semester, we will continue our peer groups with such activities as critiquing advertising, analyzing film, and stimulating dialogue. Since the course aims to assist students to develop and expand their "English voices," I will evaluate your success not only by the quality of your presentations and the measurable progress at conversation that you make, but also by the motivation and effort to learn that you demonstrate through your sincere enthusiasm and will participation in the processes to which we will devote our classtime.


英語聽力 二(一)、二(二)
 [Listening Comprehension II(I)
II(II) ]
先修科目:英語聽力 一 (一)、一(二)
This course aims to equip students with ability to understand both academic lectures and recreational listening materials at the low-advanced level. It proposes 1) to present academic lectures on different topics such as population, feminism, civil rights, etc.; 2) to familiarize students with issues and vocabulary in psychology, music, business, arts, crime, and work, etc.; 3) to tech students how to take notes when listening to lectures. 


英文寫作 三(一)、三(二)
 [English Writing III(I)
先修科目:英文寫作 二 (一)、二(二)
This course aims at training students to produce effective and properly-documented critical essays. Building on the writing students did in earlier semesters, they will learn in this course to write longer papers that are not only expressions of personal opinions, but also the result of research students have conducted. That means that students will find what others have written on their topic, that they learn how to quote those ideas of others, and how to attribute and incorporate them in their own writing according to the rules of scholarship that have been developed for that purpose. 





英國文學:1660 以前
[English Literature: Before 1660 ]
This is a survey course, ranging from the begin of English literature to around 1660. Major writers, genres and literary trends of this period will be covered and discussed. Historical background will be applied to explicate the texts. Since the course entails three lengthened periods, i.e., Old English, Middle English and the Renaissance, all readings will be selective and there will be a greater emphasis on narrative verses and lyrics. Dramas and prose works will form the secondary level of reading. Mid-term and final exams are required.


[English Literature: 1660-1800]


英國文學 1800-1900 
[English Literature: 1800-1900]
The course introduces the student to a canon of generally acknowledged important English writers of 1800-1900. It sets out to help the student to understand the history and development of English literature of the period.


[English Literature: after 1900]
透過文本分析,使學生了解本世紀英國文化背景、文學潮流以及其表現形式。 1.二十世紀英國文化情境 2.早期現代詩 3.戰爭詩 4.愛爾蘭與大英協作家 5.現代主義 6.「憤怒的年輕人」 7.後現代主義


B 組 : 美 國 文 學 

[American Literature: before 1865]
This course will trace the development of the American imagination during its first century that American was a country to the present day by providing appreciation of the literature of the United States through reading and studying some great works of its finest masters--works that have continued to speak in various ways and for various reasons to large segments of the population, works that helped from the American mind. 


[American Literature: after 1865]
This course will trace the development of the American imagination during its first century that American was a country to the present day by providing appreciation of the literature of the United States through reading and studying some great works of its finest masters--works that have continued to speak in various ways and for various reasons to large segments of the population, works that helped from the American mind. 



 [European Literature: 1350~1800]
(1) 認識歐洲自中世紀時期至啟蒙主義時期之思潮及其演變 (2) 細讀歐洲文學文本 (3) 瞭解歐陸文學傳統與文化差異


[European Literature: after 1800]



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